Presence of Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA) in more quantity provokes individuals to commit suicide. TCA has much impact on normal person than a depressed individual. TCA causes sleepiness, difficulty in concentration and thinking and unsteady gait in body. The Tricyclic drug test helps to find out the TCA levels in the system i.e. to fish out people who have suicidal tendency.For whom this test is useful?Trycyclic drug test is helpful in various situations and places in identifying the victims of the Tricyclic Antidepressant drug and helping them before anything miserable happens.Employers:You can make tricyclic drug test as a part of your recruitment process, which will help you in identifying candidates with high TCA levels. This test can be administered on the existing employees also to find out individuals with suicidal tendencies in your organization. Parents:When you find that your children under stress, and not able to concentrate on their regular work, then Tricyclic drug test is very much useful. By administering this test on your children, you can find their TCA levels, which is an indicator of suicidal tendency. This will helps you to know their problems and address them before things run out of your hands. Investigating Agencies:The private investigative agencies and police can use this drug test effectively. Sometimes forensic lab tests may be wrongly diagnosed due to human error or by an accident. In this case Tricyclic drug test is very much helpful in finding the right cause for death. In some cases you don’t need to wait for the lab reports and can move forward with the TCA result. Defense forces:• We have seen large number of suicide cases registered in Armed forces in the recent past. Financial times dated 29 may 2008 quoted that, the number of U.S.soldiers committed suicides rose to a record high of 112 in 2007. This shows how People working in these forces come under tremendous pressure, and sometimes they are not able to discharge their regular works. Identifying people of this kind is simplified by administering tricyclic drug test on them. This will help authorities to identify those who are with suicidal tendency.It is easy to perform the test and to interpret resultsCollect the urine and dip the test trip in the urine sample for 10 seconds and don’t disturb it. Then remove the strip and place it in non-absorbent surface and don’t disturb it for five minutes. Then check the color lines to find out positive or negative.If people with high TCA levels are isolated, it will increase the chances of committing suicide. This tricyclic drug test is helpful in identifying people of such kind and consequently you can take necessary steps to ensure their safety.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
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