Parkinson's disease (vorum tremens) is the chronic progressing disease of a brain for the first time was described in 1817 by J. Parkinson. Patients who has Parkinson's disease often suffer from involuntary trembling finitenesses (tremor), muscular rigidity, infringements of coordination and speech, and also experience difficulties with movement. These symptoms usually occurs after 60 years though cases of Parkinson's disease are known in the age of 50 years are more younger.Parkinson's disease is a progressing disease, i.e. its symptoms and appearance eventually become aggravated and worsen. However, in spite of the fact that finally Parkinson's disease leads to physical inability and loss of capacity, disease progresses slowly, and even after statement of the diagnosis the majority of patients as early as long years can conduct a high-grade life.Moreover, unlike other serious neurological diseases, Parkinson's disease gives in to treatment. Often resort to medicamentous treatment, or implant in a brain the special device stimulating brain activity. In extreme cases resort to surgical intervention - operations on a brain a method stereotaxis which essence consists in destruction of a small zone in subcrustal structures of a brain. Searches of effective means of treatment of Parkinson's disease now proceed.Symptoms of Parkinson's diseaseThe first symptoms of Parkinson's disease is difficult to notice, as, for example, an immovability of hands at walking, an easy tremor in fingers of one hand or insignificant infringements of speech. Patients feel a devastation, a breakdown, depressions are subject or suffer from a sleeplessness. Besides habitual employment (a shower, shaving, cooking, etc.) require major efforts and borrow more time.Other symptoms of Parkinson's disease* Tremor. The tremor often begins with easy trembling hands or even separate fingers. Sometimes the tremor of hands is accompanied by the non-uniform movement of the big and average fingers reminding overrolling of invisible pills (so-called "a syndrome of driving of pills"). Sometimes there is also a tremor of the bottom finitenesses. These symptoms can be more expressed on one party of a body or be shown symmetrically and to be combined with other symptoms of defeat of nervous system. the Tremor is especially shown by infringements of coordination, sensitivity, when the patient is in a condition of stress. Though the tremor of finitenesses causes significant inconveniences, it does not lead to loss of capacity and disappears only when the patient sleeps. Many patients with Parkinson's disease suffer only from an insignificant tremor.* Slowness of movement (bradykinesia). In due course Parkinson's disease "acquires" new symptoms, among which slowness and awkwardness of movements, as well as infringement of coordination. Rigidity of muscles of legs can complicate movement, gait is broken. It especially annoyingly as complicates performance of the elementary actions.* Rigidity of muscles. Often there is a rigidity of muscles of neck and finitenesses. In some cases rigidity even holds down movements and hurts.* Loss of balance. Parkinson's disease, especially in a heavy condition, it is often accompanied by inability to keep balance. For many years this problem remains insignificant and does not cause discomfort.* Loss of automatism of movements. Blinking, occurrence of a smile and flourish hands at walking - automatic actions of a normal organism which are carried out at a subconscious level and even besides our desire. At patients with Parkinson's disease this automatism of movements often vanishes, and and sometimes and disappears absolutely. In some cases on the person of patients expression of the steadfast and intense attention, a unblinking sight is fixed. At some patients, except for a mimicry, ability to gesticulation vanishes also.* Infringement of an articulation. Many patients also suffer from infringement of speech - it can become slightly modulated, illegible. The voice loses intonations and becomes monotonous and silent. For older people it represents a special problem, as badly hearing elderly co-habitants can simply not hear them.* Infringement of swallowing and salivation. This symptom appears at late stages of development of illness, but, with rare exception, patients with this symptom nevertheless are capable to accept food independently.* Dementia. The insignificant percent of patients suffers from dementia - inability to think, understand and remember. This symptom also appears at recent stages of disease. Though dementia consider as display of Alzheimer's disease is more often, it can accompany and other serious diseases, including Parkinson's disease. In this case delay of thought processes and inability attests to the beginning of dementia to concentrate.Reasons of occurrence of Parkinson's diseaseFor those 200 years that have passed from the moment of opening Parkinson's disease, scientists were possible to understand some aspects and processes of this most complicated disease.Today it is known, that many symptoms and displays of Parkinson's disease develop owing to damage or destruction of the certain nervous terminations, located in black substance of a brain. In a normal condition these nervous cells develop dopamine. Function of dopamine consists in smooth transfer of impulses for maintenance of normal movements. At Parkinson's disease production of dopamine decreases, normal transfer of nervous impulses is broken and there are basic symptoms of Parkinson's disease.During ageing all people lose some part developing of dopamine neutrons. But patients with Parkinson's disease lose more than half of the neutrons located in black substance. Though there is a degeneration and other cells of a brain, the cells developing of dopamine, are necessary for movement, therefore their loss is catastrophic. The reasons of damage or destruction of these cells till now is object of many researches. In opinion of scientists, Parkinson's disease can develop owing to an adverse combination of genetic and external factors. The certain medicines, illnesses and toxic substances also can create a clinical picture, characteristic for Parkinson's disease.
Friday, August 21, 2009
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