Psychological resources such as hope, optimism, personal control, sense of meaning, and subjective well-being are known to exercise a protective influence on health. The Greek physician Hippocrates anticipated that positive emotions and health outcomes may be linked through multiple pathways. In the developed and developing countries, health is seen as the most valuable asset for a good quality of life, particularly in later years of life. Good health of the citizen is key facilitator to contribute to society. Smith (1990) said, "In the past, good health meant the absence of disease." Today the definition of health is high level wellness that goes beyond the absence of disease toward one’s maximum potential which includes mind, body and sprit. High level wellness is the integration of health component, i.e. emotional, physical, social, spiritual and mental.
The common origin of the word health from "hoelth", an English word meaning safe or sound and whole of body (Dolfman, 1973). There is no one contemporary meaning for the term. A nursing oriented definition of health consistent with the theme that the health is a subjective phenomenon that is operationalizable has been proposed by the Lynn. Lynn, 1990 defined health as a subjective representation of a person’s composite evaluation of somatic sense of self (how one is feeling) and functional ability (how one is doing).As such, health is manifested in the subjective judgment that one is experiencing wellness or illness. These subjective experiences are dynamic and are an outgrowth of person and environment interactions. As long as a person is capable of evaluating how he/she is feeling and doing at some level, the person has health.
The World Health Organization (WHO, 1948) defines health as a "state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO) has very clearly indicated that the absence of disease is not enough for health. This, definition emphasizes on positive and negative dimensions of health. Negative health or ill health has a subjective component expressed in the concept of illness and discomforts and an objective component express in concept of disease, injury, handicap or deformity. Positive health has two components: wellbeing and fitness. This state entails an appropriate balance of the physical, mental, social ingredients. Fitness can be considered as the objective physical components, where as, wellbeing can indicate the psychosocial component of positive health.
Lau (1995) found that when young healthy adults were asked to describe in their own words "what being healthy means to you?" their beliefs about health could be understood within the following dimensions:-
Ø Physiological/Physical- good condition, having energy.
Ø Pathological-happy, energetic, feels good psychologically.
Ø Behavioural-eat and sleep properly.
Ø Future consequence-live longer.
Ø The absence of, e.g., sickness, disease & symptoms.
Kasl and Cobb (1966) states that health behaviour is any activity undertaken by a person believing himself to be healthy for the purpose of preventing disease or detecting it at an asymptomatic stage. Therefore, positive health can be defined as activities that may prevent disease, detect disease and disability at an early stage, promote and enhance health, or protect from risk of injury. Thus, "positive health can be defined as any activity undertaken by individual with a frequency or intensity that increases health or reduces disease"
As, we all know that the good health is a gift of God, but having good health is not sufficient but to maintain it also equally important. For this reason one should also focus on healthy lifestyle and positive thinking.
The common origin of the word health from "hoelth", an English word meaning safe or sound and whole of body (Dolfman, 1973). There is no one contemporary meaning for the term. A nursing oriented definition of health consistent with the theme that the health is a subjective phenomenon that is operationalizable has been proposed by the Lynn. Lynn, 1990 defined health as a subjective representation of a person’s composite evaluation of somatic sense of self (how one is feeling) and functional ability (how one is doing).As such, health is manifested in the subjective judgment that one is experiencing wellness or illness. These subjective experiences are dynamic and are an outgrowth of person and environment interactions. As long as a person is capable of evaluating how he/she is feeling and doing at some level, the person has health.
The World Health Organization (WHO, 1948) defines health as a "state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". Thus, the World Health Organization (WHO) has very clearly indicated that the absence of disease is not enough for health. This, definition emphasizes on positive and negative dimensions of health. Negative health or ill health has a subjective component expressed in the concept of illness and discomforts and an objective component express in concept of disease, injury, handicap or deformity. Positive health has two components: wellbeing and fitness. This state entails an appropriate balance of the physical, mental, social ingredients. Fitness can be considered as the objective physical components, where as, wellbeing can indicate the psychosocial component of positive health.
Lau (1995) found that when young healthy adults were asked to describe in their own words "what being healthy means to you?" their beliefs about health could be understood within the following dimensions:-
Ø Physiological/Physical- good condition, having energy.
Ø Pathological-happy, energetic, feels good psychologically.
Ø Behavioural-eat and sleep properly.
Ø Future consequence-live longer.
Ø The absence of, e.g., sickness, disease & symptoms.
Kasl and Cobb (1966) states that health behaviour is any activity undertaken by a person believing himself to be healthy for the purpose of preventing disease or detecting it at an asymptomatic stage. Therefore, positive health can be defined as activities that may prevent disease, detect disease and disability at an early stage, promote and enhance health, or protect from risk of injury. Thus, "positive health can be defined as any activity undertaken by individual with a frequency or intensity that increases health or reduces disease"
As, we all know that the good health is a gift of God, but having good health is not sufficient but to maintain it also equally important. For this reason one should also focus on healthy lifestyle and positive thinking.
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