Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thc (tetrahydrocannibinol) Drug Testing

THC (Tetrahydrocannibinol) is an active component in marijuana, which is commonly ingested by smoking and can also be eaten. It is the drug which is commonly a choice of teenagers and young adults. Low concentrations of THC persist in urine at a detectable concentration for many days after smoking. It is a common recreational drug of abuse. It is a hallucinogenic agent derived from the leaves, flowers or seeds of the hemp plant. Usually, the production and curing of the marijuana plant into its useable form closely resembles that of tobacco.What is THC?THC is an abbreviation for Tetrahydrocannibinol, which is the substance found in marijuana. As the active ingredient in cannabis, THC is what causes the pleasurable sensations those who take marijuana describe. Signs of THC Marijuana Abuse and AddictionA person who is high on marijuana exhibits tell-tale symptoms like, loud talking and laughter, sleepiness, distorted sense of time intervals and forgetfulness. Marijuana addicts are often focused on the drug at all times. Its warning signs include dependence, uncontrollable urge to use the drug, and mental fixation on the drug despite all the consequences associated with it.THC Drug TestingDrug testing for THC marijuana is beneficial for the companies and parents alike. This test is not only easy to perform, but laboratories also accurate in many cases. THC drug test kits are available in many different types including hair drug tests, urine drug tests, saliva drug tests and spray drug tests. Each of them have their own pros and cons, yet more popular among them at home and the w0orkplace is the urine drug test.All among, companies benefits greatly from THC drug testing, as it helps to maintain a safe working environment for employees and keeps productivity up. Marijuana drug testing can keep jobsite drug abuse at cove and ensure employees are safe, healthy and working to the best of their ability. Parents can also benefit from marijuana testing. Drug testing kits are simple to use and help worried families conclude whether or not their child is abusing drugs. Drug testing for marijuana can help keep drugs out of your home and out of the hands of your children. Marijuana testing can also be the first step in helping your teen overcome their drug addiction.THC is used by millions of users every year, and is continued to grow more evidence that uncovers its positive medical effects and disproves the negative publicity the drug receives. Marijuana has been proved to be less harmful then alcohol and cigarettes. With the increase of marijuana smokers the increase in the cover up and detoxification of marijuana increases as well. This leads to more and more urinary cleansers being marketed and used.The above information illustrates how people are affected through abusing THC marijuana. THC detoxing and cleansing the body is easy to perform. There are many drinks and pills that help many people to get out of the Marijuana abusing.