Monday, August 17, 2009

Integrative Medicine Programs in America

Mind, body and spirit therapies aren't just the latest health craze; a matter of fact there are several healing arts schools and even conventional colleges that have begun offering integrative medicine programs to keep up with the demand for natural and holistic healthcare. Today, there are numerous integrative medicine programs in which individuals can choose to enroll. Botanical medicine, (also known as herbal medicine) is a great option to those medical professionals desiring to extend additional, non-invasive, and holistic healthcare treatments. Nurse practitioners, physicians and other healthcare providers who enroll in herbal integrative medicine programs gain education and training in the history of botanical medicine and pharmacy; herbal nutritional counseling, dosing and formulating; pathology in relation to botanical medicine, herbal safety and toxicity, and other related studies.Many family medical practitioners have discovered that integrative medicine programs are an excellent way to help and healing. This is why some universities and colleges have teamed up with accredited alternative and complementary medicine schools to provide a growing number of healing arts courses. Common studies offered in these integrative medicine programs include mind-body medicine, energy healing therapies, holistic nutrition, massage therapy, herbal therapeutics and aromatherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy, spiritual counseling, and environmental medicine, among others.